DUI Impaired Driving Lawyer in Calgary
Charged with a DUI in Alberta? Our DUI attorneys are here to help with any and all related criminal charges.
CALL: 1(587) 355-8889
Charged With a DUI in Alberta? Our DUI Attorneys Are Here to Help
Often, our team of legal experts here at Ouellette Hoare Claxton An Association of Independent Law Practices are asked the following questions:
- “Is it worth getting a lawyer for a DUI?”
- “What can a DUI be reduced to?”
- “How long does a DUI stay on your driving record in Alberta?”
… And many more.
Our response is that any successful defence of impaired driving, refusing to blow, and/or driving while over .08 requires a dedicated lawyer with a meticulous approach. Due to DUIs being thoroughly prosecuted, it is vital that our clients receive an equally as thorough defence strategy.
Today, our team of impaired driving lawyers will be detailing what a DUI entails, how we here at Ouellette Hoare Claxton An Association of Independent Law Practices represent you, and which frequently-asked questions you should know the answers to ahead of your trial.
Our DUI Attorneys Are Here to Help
Our response is that any successful defence of impaired driving, refusing to blow, and/or driving while over .08 requires a dedicated lawyer with a meticulous approach. Due to DUIs being thoroughly prosecuted, it is vital that our clients receive an equally as thorough defence strategy.
Today, our team of impaired driving lawyers will be detailing what a DUI entails, how we here at Ouellette Hoare Claxton An Association of Independent Law Practices represent you, and which frequently-asked questions you should know the answers to ahead of your trial.
Defending a DUI-Related Charge in Calgary: How Ouellette Hoare Claxton is Your Best Defence, Every Time
Hiring a qualified DUI lawyer can and will help to protect you against unlawful vehicle seizure, driving suspensions, and/or significant long-term ramifications for your driving privileges.
For example, if you have been subject to an administrative license suspension (Administrative License Suspension/Disqualification) as a result of a DUI, your Alberta Driver’s License would have been seized and a Temporary Operator’s Permit would have been given to you in its place.The Temporary Operator’s Permit is your new driver’s license. Upon your release from police custody, a 24-hour provincial driving suspension will take effect. Once the 24-hour suspension expires you will have 21 days of driving privileges to give you time to arrange alternative transportation. After 21 days pass a 3 month provincial driving prohibition will take effect where you are no longer authorized to operate a motor vehicle.
If you or a loved one are in need of legal counsel or services regarding impaired driving charges, look no further than Oullette Hoare Claxton to better your chances of sentence bargaining, a lesser sentence, and/or motor vehicle accident-related fines: contact us today to book your free, zero-obligation, full-confidentiality-guaranteed consultation with us.
How Ouellette Hoare Claxton Represents DUI Cases in Calgary, Alberta
Our lawyers Andre Ouellette, Peter Hoare, Mike C. Gilchrist, and Sadaf Raja have been proudly defending DUI and dangerous driving-related cases here in Calgary, Alberta for over two decades.
Each and every one of our team members are skilled in the art of cross-contamination and, due to our extensive knowledge, are able to call into question the accuracy of police reports, meaning that you can be assured that you are receiving high-quality, highly communicative, and highly reliable defence for drunk driving and drug-impaired driving offences.
In order to be convicted of driving while under the influence during an impaired driving prosecution, blood or breath samples may only be contained through lawful procedure.
In practice, this means that samples obtained by the police are inadmissible unless they follow rules in the Criminal Code. The rules are technical, sometimes contradictory, and are, on average, difficult to follow precisely. Our courtroom experience means that we know the testing rules better than the police, which is an advantage we use to help you. Successful DUI lawyer defence tactics that we typically employ for clients in Calgary, Alberta include:
- Ensuring that police commenced the testing within a reasonable time period
- Ensuring that the testing apparatus are in proper working condition and are maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications
- Ensuring that the testing device or devices have been approved for use in Alberta
- Ensuring that the prosecutor can prove without reasonable doubt that the accused was “in care and control” of the vehicle at the time of the impaired driving offence in question
- Ensuring that the prosecutor can prove without reasonable doubt that there was an intention or act of operating the vehicle in question (for example, if a client is found asleep at the wheel on the side of the road)
- Ensuring that the notes and observations recorded by the police establish beyond reasonable doubt that the client was impaired at the time of the incident
- Ensuring that, if the accused was held in detention longer than the circumstances warranted, that this is brought to attention
- Ensuring that the new provisions to the Criminal Code regarding impairment by drugs meets an objective and scientific standard of measurement
All of these are included as crucial steps in our defence system and help to guarantee you only the best defence against any and all DUI-related accusations.
What is a DUI?
Impaired driving, more commonly referred to as a DUI, is the act of driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs.
In Canada, a DUI is considered a criminal code offence, which makes it highly prosecuted.
Common inclusions of a DUI aside from the impaired driving itself are:
- Care and control
- Refusal or failure to provide a breath sample
- Driving over .08 the legal limit (80mg in 100ml in terms of blood alcohol content)
In order to bolster your chances in avoiding a criminal record, it is recommended to turn to a criminal defense lawyer to receive both a better understanding of impaired driving law and a solid defense.
How much does an DUI lawyer cost?
Impaired driving, more commonly referred to as a DUI, is the act of driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs.
In Canada, a DUI is considered a criminal code offence, which makes it highly prosecuted.
Common inclusions of a DUI aside from the impaired driving itself are:
- Care and control
- Refusal or failure to provide a breath sample
- Driving over .08 the legal limit (80mg in 100ml in terms of blood alcohol content)
In order to bolster your chances in avoiding a criminal record, it is recommended to turn to a criminal defense lawyer to receive both a better understanding of impaired driving law and a solid defense.
What makes a good DUI lawyer
Impaired driving, more commonly referred to as a DUI, is the act of driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs.
In Canada, a DUI is considered a criminal code offence, which makes it highly prosecuted.
Common inclusions of a DUI aside from the impaired driving itself are:
- Care and control
- Refusal or failure to provide a breath sample
- Driving over .08 the legal limit (80mg in 100ml in terms of blood alcohol content)
In order to bolster your chances in avoiding a criminal record, it is recommended to turn to a criminal defense lawyer to receive both a better understanding of impaired driving law and a solid defense.